

adjust chemical shift offset

Usage: [-h] [-N N] [-CO C | -C C] [-CA CA] [-CB CB]
[-HN HN | -H HN] [-HA HA] [-offsets OFFSETS]
[-noreverse] [-keep_sign] [-i] [-traceback]
infile [outfile]

Detailed Help:

outfile talos file with adjusted CS
infile talos file that should be adjusted
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-offsets OFFSETS give offsets like this 'CB: 0.00ppm CA: -0.10ppm' or this 'CB 0.00 CA -0.10
-noreverse do not reverse sign, use numbers directly as the adjustement
-keep_sign do not reverse sign, use numbers directly as the adjustement
-i change in place (backup will be written with ~ as ending)
-traceback print full traceback in case of error options:
-N N adjustment for N
-CO C offset of CO
-C C offset of CO
-CA CA offset of CA
-CB CB offset of CB
-HN HN offset of amide H
-H HN offset of amide H
-HA HA offset of HA
