

Convert upper limit restraint file (upl) into rosetta format. Cyana output
final.upl usually contains ranking of restraints with SUP. it is advisable to
separate the certain assignments SUP=1 from the less certain ones. Use option
-low_qf for this purpose. If the target sequence is supplied (either in .fasta
format or in .seq format) it will be used to automatically work out the offset
from upl-numbering to the target sequence.


upl2rosetta.py [-h] [-low_qf LOW_QF] [-seq SEQ] [-fasta FASTA]
[-traceback] [-min_sep MIN_SEP] [-pad PAD]
upl [cst]

Detailed Help:

cst ROSETTA cst file
upl CYANA upl file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-low_qf LOW_QF write all restraints with SUP
-seq SEQ sequence file to find offset and trimming
-fasta FASTA fasta file to find offset and trimming
-traceback print full traceback in case of error
-min_sep MIN_SEP set N such that only restraints with i to i+N or more are written to output (default 4)
-pad PAD pad upper distance bound by x (default 0.15)


upl2rosetta.py final.upl highQF.cst -low_qf lowQF.cst -fasta t000_.fasta

parse final.upl and write restraints with SUP=1 into highQF.cst and restraints with SUP

upl2rosetta.py final.upl all.cst

convert all restraints from final.upl to rosetta format
